Sharing our journey

Photo of a child sitting on the grass next to a pen with young chickens next to them

We have now been homeschooling for 2 years 8 months and I feel like we’re all settling into it. I have been documenting our journey into world schooling, homeschooling, homesteading and unschooling over on Instagram @haphazardhomeschool and wanted somewhere to share longer thoughts, some of the resources we’re using and some of the resources I’m developing for our journey.

Haphazard homeschool describes us perfectly: lacking an obvious plan, organisation or direction! We have bounced around so many different things to try in our journey already and I never know from fall what we will be doing come the spring. And that was before a pandemic upset so many plans!

We are also homesteading, haphazardly. Two and a bit acres, woods, vegetable garden, chickens, dog. I’m a country girl at heart but living on the edge of the wild lands in the USA has been different. We moved into our current house and only then realised quite how many large predators were actually on our land at some point. Hence getting another dog! Becoming more self-sustainable has been a very haphazard affair, dogged by health issues for me and higher priorities.

But we muddle through. And maybe, just maybe, what we’re learning, can help others also on this crazy journey of stepping outside out societal norms.

L x

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